listening to the radio的相关图片

listening to the radio

下面围绕“listening to the radio”主题解决网友的困惑


听收音机用英语翻译为:listen to the radio。listen to the radio造句:1、She always listens to the radio.她经...


1、我听收音机;i'm listen the radio ; I'd listen to the radio;2、有些则在听收音机;Some boys are reading;3...

she is listening to the radio.请问为什么要加to呢


how about listening to the radio是什么意思

how about listening to the radio 的中文意思:听收音机怎么样?重点词汇 about英 [hau əˈbaut] ...

我正在听收音机She is listening to the radio.为什

不行,因为listen是不及物动词,无法直接跟宾语,那听什么,就得说listen to something,类似的还有看look ,看什么要说look at something,而不能直接说look some...

She was listening to _the__radio.为什么用the?

listen to the radio 表示“,听广播,收听收音机”,是固定搭配,radio 表示“收音机”,是可数名词,前面要加限定词,而一般加定冠词the。句意:她正在收听收音...

She listening to the radio 哪错了

She listening to the radio.答案:listening前加Be 动词 正确:She is listening to the radio.中文:她在听收音机。

“listen to the radio”是哪首歌的歌词?

Carpenters的单曲《Yesterday Once More》,《昨日重现》(Yesterday Once More)是卡朋特乐队演唱的歌曲,始创于19...

yesterday evening--yes,he was he__(listen)

was your father at home yesterday evening ---yes,he was he【was listening】 to the radio.翻译:你父亲昨晚在家吗?  是的,在家。  他在听收音机。用过去...

The old man is listening to the radio为何listen

the old man is listening to the radio 那位老人正在听收音机。重点词汇释义 old man非正式用语; 有些人称它们的父亲、丈夫或男性朋友为“老头儿”; 老爸; 丈夫 l...

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